25 T05

Submission guidelines

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers in PDF format via the EDAS system:

Links submission: comming soon!

All papers will be peer-reviewed using a blind review process. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings indexed by IEEExplore.

“IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.Papers excluded from further distribution will be archived at IEEE but will not be indexed or appear in IEEE Xplore.”

Submission of proposals for special sessions, tutorials and student sessions should be sent to the conference secretary.

Guidelines for manuscript preparation

The authors are advised to download the IEEE Template files in MS Word or Latex format to prepare the paper. The best way to have your paper met the format requirements is to copy and paste your paper into the template file.

Some points that needs to consider when preparing the camera ready paper are explained as follows

  • Only PDF format in Letter size (8.5×11 inches) is accepted for the camera ready paper submission
  • The standard page number of the paper is 4 pages. The maximum allowable number of pages is 6. In case of exceeding 6 pages, the author is obligated to pay 50USD per excess page.
  • Do not number the page of your manuscript
  • Do not use header or footer
  • Fonts: use only Times or Times Roman to edit your paper.
  • Title: The title should be in Times 24-point, normal type. Capitalize the first letter of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; do not capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, or prepositions (unless the title begins with such a word). The title should not be all in capital letters
  • Author name: The names of the authors are to be centered beneath the title and printed in Times 11-point, normal type.
  • Author’s name should not be preceded nor followed by author’s titles and society memberships.
  • Author Affiliation: The authors’ affiliations are to be centered beneath the author’s names and printed in Times 11-point, normal type. Affiliation should include: department/division, university/company, postal address, phone (optional), fax (optional), email (optional), and URL (optional). In the case of authors from different institutions, identify each institution with a number (starting from 1). At the end of the name of each author place the institution identifier as a superscript. List the institutions on separate lines with the format described above. Each institution should be preceded by the corresponding identifier as a superscript.
  • Keywords: keywords are not necessary for the conference paper
  • Figure: figures are centered in the column, large figures can be placed over two columns. The figure caption font size is 8-point.
  • Table: tables are centered in the column, large tables can be placed over two columns. The table caption font size is 8-point as for figures
  • Use of color: no color is used in the proceeding. Please transform your colored figures into grey-scale images before including them into the paper.
  • PDF requirement: please embed all local fonts into the PDF camera ready paper. Only papers which are compatible with IEEE Xplore requirements can be accepted.